Audrey said: Hello, yesterday a woman told me about the emu oil that she bought from you a while ago. I would like to get some information about your emu oil. I would like to know of 100% pure emu oil is effective on wrinkles around my eyes and lips, etc. If so, is it better to use pure oil first and then apply my day and night cream or should I add it to my day and night cream? What do you recommend and what are the benefits? Thanks in advance for paying attention to my request.

Hello, yes emu oil is an effective anti-aging solution for your face and around your eyes and lips. It all also depends on your expectations. If you want to prevent fine lines, we recommend applying pure emu oil around your eyes and lips, as well as on your face, before your day and/or night cream. […]

Le mercredi 31 décembre 2014 à 10:13 Sylvie dit: Bonjour, J’aimerais savoir si l’huile d’émeu peut enrayer la couperose au visage ou si elle agit à titre préventif ? Merci et bonne année 2015 !

Le lundi 5 janvier 2015 à 09:13 Emeu Charlevoix dit: Bonjour, Veuillez nous excuser pour la réponse tardive, mais oui notre Crème de visage Hydra-Fem + est recommandée pour aider à diminuer et à prévenir l’apparence de rougeurs due à la couperose. Il vous faudra simplement, appliquer cette crème 2 fois par jour (matin et soir). Également, […]