Emu oil and hemorrhoids

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are diluted veins that form in the anus or rectum. The dilation of veins is normal during defecation; however, with hemorrhoids, these veins remain permanently diluted.Read more
  The most frequent symptoms of hemorrhoids are itching near the anus, discomfort when siting down and bleeding when passing stool. When unbearable pain occurs when having a bowl movement, this often means that a blood clot has formed in the hemorrhoid. In more advanced or complicated cases of internal hemorrhoids, painful protrusions outside the anus can appear. Approximately one adult in two over 50 years old will suffer from hemorrhoids.

What causes hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are caused by constant or repeated pressure on rectal or anal veins. Pressure is often due to difficult and long bowel movements. People with parents who suffered from hemorrhoids, pregnant women, women who gave birth vaginally and people afflicted with cirrhosis are more at risk of developing hemorrhoids. Obesity as well as recurring constipation and diarrhea can also trigger hemorrhoids.

How can I prevent hemorrhoids?

Here are some practical ways you can prevent hemorrhoids:
  • Increase fiber in your diet; this is absolutely the best prevention
  • Drink a lot of water and other liquids
  • Have breakfast every day
  • Exercise regularly
  • Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge and do not stay more than you need to.
A hemorrhoid flare-up usually last a few days The symptoms then slowly go away. To speed up the healing process:
  • Wipe yourself with unscented toilet paper soaked in water
  • Wear cotton underwear to wick away moisture
  • Use products with emollients
  • If you experience anal bleeding, consult a doctor.

Emu oil helps to alleviate symptoms

You can apply two drops of emu oil several times a day around and inside your anus in order to alleviate hemorrhoid symptoms, including pain and itching. Emu oil will also facilitate your bowel movements and its anti-inflammatory properties will help to reduce irritation. If you still experience symptoms after using emu oil, consult with your doctor. Sources, excluding the last two paragraphs: DoctissimoPasseport Santé et Canoë santé

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Questions and answers about hemorrhoids

Le mercredi 13 avril 2016 à 10:52 EMEUCHARLEVOIX dit: Hi Mr. James, thank you for your comment. Have a good day !

Le dimanche 10 septembre 2017 à 13:29 Jennifer J. dit: HOW I WAS CURED OF HEMORRHOIDS: I am free! I am free! I am free!!! Jennifer Joyce is my name, I live in Virginia. I want to tell the world how I was cured of my Hemorrhoids by Dr Andre Armstead. Few years ago when I was still in the University I love eating sugary stuffs and most times I had running stomach and all of that. It continued and on daily basis my love for eating sugary stuffs increased. As a result of eating sugary stuffs I was always going to toilet and sometimes I stay long in the toilet. It continued like that up till my final year in school when I was diagnosed of Chronic diarrhea this caused me big problem and after my graduation in school when I got married, pregnancy came in and going to toilet became a big problem for me. I feel ill at that stage, and I was rushed to the hospital I had miscarriage, and same tine was diagnosed of Hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids became a very big problem for me anytime I go to toilet I screen while defecating. I tried so many cure but could not work. An uncle came to visit because of my condition, and told me his friend once testified to him on how a herbalist cured him with herbal medicine of similar ailment . So he contacted his friend to give him the contact details of the herbal doctor. We contacted the herbal doctor and he promised to totally cure me of my Hemorrhoids. We made all necessary arrangement and he prepared the herbs and shipped it to me. he gave me directions on how am to use it behold just like a magic, the herbs cured me in just less than 15 days. and as I write this message, I am totally cured of my Hemorrhoids. It was a promise I made to Dr Andre that if he can cure me, certainly I will tell the world about his herbal medicine. Now he have cured me am here to fulfill the promise I made to him. Please if you are out there and you are suffering from Hemorrhoids I want you to quickly contact Dr Andre Armstead

Le lundi 14 octobre 2013 à 13:03 Emeu Charlevoix dit: Bonjour Louis-Pierre, merci pour les bons commentaires et au plaisir!

Le lundi 22 août 2016 à 09:23 Emeu Charlevoix dit: Bonjour, tout d’abord, veuillez nous excuser pour le délai de réponse. Plusieurs de nos clients ont essayé l’huile d’émeu 100% pure pour différents cas de démangeaisons, notamment dans cette région. Les commentaires sont très intéressants puisque l’élément principalement rapporté constitue le soulagement que l’huile d’émeu procure en peu de temps d’utilisation. L’huile d’émeu est un excellent hydratant contenant des Omégas 3, 6, 7 et 9 qui procure une sensation de bien-être et de confort lorsqu’elle est appliquée régulièrement sur les zones irritées ciblées. Nous vous suggérons d’en appliquer une petite quantité 2 à 3 fois par jour et au besoin. Merci et bonne chance.

Le lundi 1 décembre 2014 à 14:17 Emeu Charlevoix dit: Bonjour, Nous vous conseillons d’utiliser le savon à l’huile d’émeu «Pure douceur» pour ce qui est de vos soins du visage puisque la peau de cette partie du corps est plus sensible. Le savon hydratant à l’huile d’émeu «Pure Douceur» ou encore l’huile d’émeu pure peuvent être utilisés pour les parties génitales. Que ce soit comme lubrifiant naturel, sécheresse vaginale, hémorroïdes, fissures anales, etc., l’huile d’émeu pure et le savon hydratant à l’huile d’émeu «Pure douceur» aident à soulager les démangeaisons et les douleurs de ces régions plus sensibles à traiter. Merci beaucoup et n’hésitez pas si vous avez d’autres questions.

Le lundi 5 janvier 2015 à 09:21 Emeu Charlevoix dit: Bonjour Mme Fraser, Veuillez nous excuser pour la réponse tardive. L’huile d’émeu est en effet une solution efficace dans plusieurs conditions comme les hémorroïdes (qu’elles soient internes ou externes). L’application d’une à deux gouttes d’huile d’émeu plusieurs fois par jour (3 à 4 fois) sur le contour et à l’intérieur de l’anus aide à réduire la durée des crises d’hémorroïdes, la douleur et les démangeaisons liées aux symptômes. Merci et nous vous souhaitons une excellente année 2015.

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